I must admit, eating is my guilty pleasure; After I eat rice (which I'm refraining to eat), I have this feeling of regret, I shouldn't have eat it, or shouldn't eat at all. We could say that comfort food is the TOP guilty pleasure of every human kind, meaning, It is a big YES, food comforted you but after that it will only adds up to your moodiness and emotions because you're not too happy on how much you just ate. But there's this question appeared in my mind, is being guilty on eating is part of an eating disorder?
With this, I found an article about having guilt for eating, the article entitled, "The New Eating Disorder You Might Not Realize You Have: Food Guilt" of Kesley Damassa. She mentioned in her article that the meaning of food guilt, which says that food guilt is an eating disorder yet having this is normal, it was originated from people who were influenced by televisions, magazines and all which shows people that there are good food to eat and bad food to refrained to. With these, people have the thinking that eating bad food will have the negative effect on you that you will not like and you'll be no near from being the girl in the movie.
The point is, having food guilt is a again a psychological disorder that makes you regret for the food you ate.
According to Sheila Tucker, "Food choices don’t make you a bad person – but that is how many people, especially women, talk to themselves."
The quote above was a quote mentioned in the article which was stated by a dietitian from Boston. This quote had an effect on me because a lot of people specially around me (or more like me) are like this. Yes, they think that they made the worst things by just eating. Some of my friends even say sorry for eating to much, because for them eating 'bad' food is a mistake.
The article, Comfort Food: Guilty Pleasure? by Annette Kornblum, talks about the comfort food is a guilty pleasure, where in in their country the fast food offers super-sized meals such as fries, sodas, and burgers which are some of the comfort food a person looks for.
She also discussed the what comfort food does just like my previous blog post, but what attracts me most in her article was when her friend mentioned that quote. "Even if you eat the most decadent dessert, if you control the portions, you can feel good about it and about yourself and move on."

The quote above was very different to the first article I have discussed where in people are guilty to what they eat, in this quote, it is a positive reinforcement to those who are guilty because it give enlightenment and lifting the feeling of the guilty ones. They have to learn to control the portion they eat, eating great and tasty food will make you feel good but a person must know the limitation of eating these savory food. Just enjoy the food you eat and move on, yes easier said than done, but if you really don't want beautiful things turn into ugly things you should really know what you'll do before you act.
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